Wednesday 25 March 2009

Changes to ICT past to present

It is easy to see how ICT is changing the classrooms we work in and also the world around us, even though iam only 21 i can still look back and see more advances than what were made for hundreds of years before. in the last 30 years ICT and technology has acceled on a massive scale and affected us all.
when i was in primary school, we got our first school computer when i was in year 4, and we had one for the whole school! it sat in the corridor and if you were lucky, you got 5mins in a week on it, and that was only paint or enclyclopaedia. now when teaching in ICT every child nearly has access and they have access at home! not just to basics but to hundreds of programes and not to mention the internet!
i come from a hybrid generation, where technology was coming in and developing while i was growing up, but the children im going to teach are not hybrids at all they are totally ICT literate! 10 year olds now understand more than most adults!
ICT paves the way for the future!

1 comment:

  1. Children as digital natives being taught by hybrids... sounds like science fiction. I think we have an adavntage over older generation teachers though. Because we are hybrids and have been almost the pilot study for most of this technology, I feel we will have an upper hand... let's not be afraid of the future... let it be...

    'ICT paves the way for the future!' - Ric Ratcliffe (2009)
