Thursday 22 January 2009

Technological advances of the 1930s-1940s

Hello to all, as some of you may know iam going to look at the technological advance between 1930-1945 and how they effected the outcome of the second world war!
Just wondering if any of you had any thought on this? and if you might have any imput, books or even if you just want a bit of a debate about the issues raised by this topic!

Any feedback will be greatly recieved!

1 comment:

  1. Of course we know that technology advances were a large part of the Second World War, indeed with the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan, begins to show the real developments made.

    Just a point, maybe this was the start, the spark that set off the huge technological advances that we have today, the push in this direction, and then the Space Race etc, have all helped us to be where we are today. The technologies of today are phenomenal, and have developed/still developing at immense speeds. Having downloaded Windows 7 beta, I am EXTREMELY excited about being able to use it in the classroom, and it is simply just the next step, and will probably be followed by much much more!
